If some of you are working on the achievement Adenath the Curio Vendor and are having problems trying to find the House of Curios (which is where the Vendor is always at), then this guide may help some.. First take a look at this picture of the Fields of Misery:
The 3 points marked dungeon
and the one marked lonely dwelling are random spawn points for the 'event'
tiles. It may take a number of game reloads to finally find the house. Khazra Den Reload: Some found it easier to go into the Khazra Den, then leave the game and then reload. You will reload outside of the den each time, hit "m" and you will already have 2/5 of the random tiles. Need help obtaining all achievements in-game? I would check out the Diablo 3 Gold Secrets By Peng Joon Guide, there's a small fee for it, but well worth it.
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