I thought I would chronicle my experiences of
leveling a hardcore Barbarian. First off I would like to state
that hardcore is not that much different than the
standard game. Its not difficult
to play without dying as long as you change HOW you
play. My first play through was a standard Demon Hunter who is now in
Act 2 Inferno. I would die constantly... a single shot
from anything could kill me. It wasn't until after
making an hardcore character that I understood how the game is
meant to be played. A bit of tweaking on my Demon Hunter and now
those very same mobs that would one shot me are no
problem. I actually almost never die, and when I do its
because of stupidity on my part. Best part is those
minor changes were less than 500k on the AH, and a
slight play style change. I would advise everyone to
roll an hardcore character at least once, it can vastly change
how you play.
Since I am chronicling what I learned as I played hardcore...
chances are some sections will be much shorter than
others. Act 1 of each difficulty I would imagine would
be quite long in comparison to the others. Also feel
free to comment on my build and any strategies that you
are using. If there is a better way, I'll gladly look
into it.
Leveling a Hardcore Barbarian:
Normal: 1 - 32 (6.5k HP, 550 DPS)
-Act 1: 1 - 17
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Act 1 was pretty terrifying. Having never played an hardcore
character before I was constantly thinking about "what
if I die? I'd lose all my stuff... Oh god". It was
actually pretty detrimental to my playing as even basic
zombies I would hit once and run away. It wasn't until a
bit later that I realized I was being silly and started
actually playing. I had forgotten how easy everything in
normal was. However in the back of my mind I was always
worried about dying. I understood how gearing up in
worked... but I wasn't sure of just how much I should
prioritize my stats. (low level - vit>main>int, high
level - res>vit>main). It took a bit to get into the
swing of things. Pretty soon I was cruising along
killing everything. (Always explore the whole map...
provides good exp and items. Rushing leads to death).
Since I was moving along pretty well I stopped really
paying attention to gear and just played the game. Once
I got to the Skeleton King I realized that I was gearing
up VERY wrong. I thought I was doing well up till that
point, but I realized that he still hit like a truck...
and I was going to have better luck killing him with
kindness than with my blade. Turns out that even though
I thought i was well geared I really wasn't. I had
focused TOO MUCH on vit, and because of that I was
lacking in str. Eventually I won, but I learned a
valuable lesson. (low level - vit>=main>int) So, a quick
trip to the AH and I found that the economy isn't jacked
up... since there aren't any people in hardcore farming act 4
Inferno, there isn't an influx of expensive items, so
everything is actually pretty cheap. For about 2k I got
an awesome wep that made the rest of the run a joke.
Lesson learned.
From this point forward I basically breezed through now
that I had an understanding of gear and a new play
style. When I downed the Butcher I was quite excited...
Act 1 completed hardcore style. It was a high that I have not
experienced in the standard game.
-Act 2: 17 - 25
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Knowing from SC that Act 2 is unforgiving when it comes
to melee I was once again quite scared. I know that in
normal you generally don't have to worry much about being
hit... but then again, its hardcore. I started out quite
cautiously, however a few more levels and I discovered
revenge... caution went out the window.
Just before meeting Maghda I ran across a vampiric
elite. This fight required a completely different
skill set that I wasn't ready for. Once again my
fear of death had led me to stack too much vitality, and
not enough strength. Basically I couldn't out damage his
heals. However Frenzy+alot of stuns allowed me to
finally kill him. So it was AH time again. I was
able to pick up almost a whole set of gear for
around 10k. This let me once again fly through the
next few hours of gameplay. When I got to Zoltun
Kulle, I destroyed him. It was an utter joke.
Dropped down earthquake and ground stop forced
everyone to stand in it. Both his minions went down
instantly and he was at 50% hp soon after. This is
where it finally clicked that "Even if I am
unkillable, I still wont be able to progress if I
can't kill anything else". I'm doing a bit better
focusing on my gear.
My gear was pretty awesome, I got to Belial and just
did a nice "Tank and Spank". My HP never went below
90%, had I of thought ahead and used frenzy rather
than cleave I would have killed him even faster.
-Act 3: 25 - 30
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I actually didn't learn much here. I have a general
understanding of both barb and hardcore play style. All the
bosses were tank and spank. No issues. Most annoying
bit was Azmodan since I couldn't keep attacking
while on the DoTs. Not that they really did much
damage... I just didn't want to chance it, just in
![Barbarian Solo Azmodan](//www.blizzardguides.com/diablo3/images/azmodan-barbarian.jpg)
-Act 4: 30 - 32
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Bought some crazy awesome rings/amulets. Boosted my
HP up to 6.5k and my DPS to 550. I killed Izual in 5
hits. Diablo went down with only minor hiccups...
but I never dropped below 50% HP. I got caught in
his bone trap a few times. Melee is a bit harder to
move away from a big boss than ranged.